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#208 Dutch Players


Author#208 Dutch Players
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)

Alle Nederlanders in 1 clan :)
Stuur mij of 1 van de recruiters een pm en we zullen je een uitnodiging sturen.

op mijn kosten :)
yep :)

of mail mij dan zorg ik dat j aanvraag bij een recruiter komt :)
hoe meer Hollanders hoe beter! :D (by the way)
join de enige nederlandse clan :)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
No idea what you guys are saying but +1 :P
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
Go Dutch players )
hehe +1 Modi :)
[Player banned by moderator Tyrisia until 2011-04-11 18:56:45 // 6.1. Bumping the thread more than once in 24 hours. Bump is considered any post with the sole purpose of bringing the thread
Go Dutch players :)
en welkom cyclo :)
04-14-11 21:26: cyclo has joined the clan.
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
As the finishing touch God created the Dutch :-)
Go Dutch players :P
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