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[Military Clan] #127 Grail Keepers


Author[Military Clan] #127 Grail Keepers
There are two most probable versions of the origin of the Grail Keepers Order:

The first is to be told in the solemnest and yet metallic tones with the voice trembling with emotion: "For centuries all scientists, monks, mages, alchemists and philosophers were trying to unveil the mystery of the Saint Grail. Thousands of books were devoted to it, numerous songs and legends were inspired by this mystical object. It was a Holy Cup, a Magic Ladder, Mystical Shine, as well as Royal Blood... It was depicted as decorated with jewelry or a simple wooden cup of an ordinary carpenter. It was held by a young maid, defended by Knight Templars, it could change places by itself or by disposition of God. In honour of its name warriors and pilgrims set to travels full of adventures and secrets...
As years and centuries passed by, people changed and the Grail changed together with them. It was forgotten and remembered again, it became a source of jokes, advertizing symbol and an abbreviation from the world of computers...
But the mere essence of the Grail was never discovered.
And maybe it must be so, as it was said before:
- The goal must remain unattainable.
- If not, what do we need the heaven for?
And we gathered here in the name of this unattainable goal and named ourselves the Grail Keepers. "

The second is much easier and prosaic:
"They say that a day b'fore some drunk moron had a cup or two of Grail. And we gathered here not to miss the next one... "
Good morning brothers and sisters)
Good morning brothers and sisters)
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-16 18:25:17 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Warning]
Welcome) I invite to join our clan)
Why? This is the best clan!
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-16 18:51:03 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Relapse]
This is the best clan!
ta ladno)) titans rulezzz) but com its BEST CLAN
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-16 18:26:50 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Warning]
but com its BEST CLAN
Soglasen, mu nebolwoi no splo4onui otr9d)

I invite to join our clan)
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-16 21:22:12 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Multiple relapse]
Welcome) I invite to join our clan)
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-17 00:22:45 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Multiple relapse]
Go to me))
join us)you are welcome!
Hi) invites us into the clan!
Welcome into the clan)
This clan is the best of all! Join! And become the best!
Join us.
Welcome k nam )
Welcome k nam )
I'd like to join your clan, but I'm not 5 lvl yet. =)
I invite to join our clan...
Good morning)Join us.
Welcome into the clan)
We glad to sea you...
Join! And become the best!
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