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LWM Legal Scripts


AuthorLWM Legal Scripts
This script adds extra links to every battle that gives access to full battle and the battle chat.

Will save you a lot of time
This actually need to be a sticky, it is very useful and important that everybody knows about the scripts
This actually need to be a sticky, it is very useful and important that everybody knows about the scripts
lol i think that u will be banned for bumping topic (but maybe im wrong), and Yes this is useful, i actually installed friends list script, and i have to say that would be better if we could assign one person to few groups not just one.
lol i think that u will be banned for bumping topic (but maybe im wrong), and Yes this is useful, i actually installed friends list script, and i have to say that would be better if we could assign one person to few groups not just one.

As I see it there is no bumping rule in OGF, I could be wrong if so I would stop.

Yeah the friend scrip has helped me a lot

Example: I now find opponents to CG much easier, because I now have a category just for that
I know there is a 24h rule on trade and clan forum, but does that applies her as well?
It doesn't apply here, but bumping to much to the point of flooding is to much (Not saying it's there, just pointing out :P)

Anyway, if this were to get stickied, it would do more good at GGF, wouldn't it?
It doesn't apply here, but bumping to much to the point of flooding is to much (Not saying it's there, just pointing out :P)

Anyway, if this were to get stickied, it would do more good at GGF, wouldn't it?

Thx for answer, I feel this is a long way from flooding, but that is up to moderators to decide.

Yeah a sticky in GGF would be logical and useful to new players. But again don't know how to get it there :o)
Easy way to get it there:

1) Ask a forum mod, or

1a) Yell at a forum mod

2) Success Or

2a) Success/Ban
forum moderators can not make sticky's, only admins can.
I know, but this should at least be moved to general forum so it is in a more suitable place? Some people ignore off game since it is normally irrelevant, but perhaps more people should see this.
If it is not a sticky then I think it is more suited for OGF
As I see it there is no bumping rule in OGF
Didnt know that, so yeah if it cant be stick, do ya thing ;)
Didnt know that, so yeah if it cant be stick, do ya thing ;)

I will :o)

over and over and ......... over again
and over...
Useless bump, because it's not a bump.
but this should at least be moved to general forum

If it was moved to General forum then sensible bumping would not longer be allowed and after a few days of inactivity it would automatically become locked (considered obsolete). So much better to have it here.

There are other scripts out there which comply with the rules: 2.1. It is forbidden to use any wares to emulate the player's presence in game in any way, as well as any wares that prevent the server software from functioning properly.
2.2. Any actions leading to traffic increase or considerable server overload are forbidden. In particular, automatic and semi-automatic scripts referring to the database or running game mechanisms are forbidden. Before using such applications, it is recommended to contact the Administration through the Secretary and receive a special allowance.

These are unlikely to ever be approved as I doubt admins will spend the time on .com to evaluate them all but as long as they follow these rules they are not illegal.
There are other scripts out there which comply with the rules:

Does that mean I can link to other scripts who are not yet approved by admins but don't go against 2.1 and 2.2?
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