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[Military Clan] # 846 † Peacekeeper's Academy †

Author[Military Clan] # 846 † Peacekeeper's Academy †
Pax non expectatur, sed vincitur!
No one’s waiting for peace! Someone has to conquer the peace!!

Welcome to Military Clan # 846 † Peacemaker's Academy †

If you are active, honor the laws of HWM/LWM and are searching for a decent clan; where you can fight shoulder to shoulder with friends; then wait no more:

† Peacemaker's Academy † is waiting for you!

The Academy members will always teach you, advice you and help you in every possible way. Our clan arsenal depository will provide you with a set of ammunition for any of the game event.


• Military clan with a long-term history and experience in events.
• Public chat with the main clan, the ability to learn from the best and most experienced soldiers of the Empire.
• Extended clan depository with gift artifacts, craft and rarity sets at in-house prices.
• When you reach your combat level 13 - there is a free transferring to the main clan.

Requirements of Admission to MC # 846 Peacemaker's Academy :

• Age 18 and older.
• 8 lvl (for Imperial PvP tournaments winners, there are exceptions).
• Required registration at the clan site (nickname must be the same with the game one).
• Required connection to the clan Jabber-conference (QIP-chat).
• The desire to play in the team, participate in game events and tournaments.

For entry you must:

• Fill the reception form at the following link: http://ordenmira.ru/index.php?pid=12
• Notify about that to Urogana or Tahma.
• If a positive outcome of the application takes place, you will be informed in private message for further action.

Entry payment: 10,000 gold.
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