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Add abilities to Creatures!!


AuthorAdd abilities to Creatures!!
Inspired by "Add one ability to your faction creatures" thread
and Halloween Squashmen

I remembered fondly about hydra with battledive, or admired the pumpkin with nimbleness + strike and return.
So in the spirit of creativity or pure silliness, pick a creature you like, then mix and match its abilities the way you want!

- No restriction on number of abilities, but keeping it between 0 to 4 is encouraged (just like normal creatures we use)
- You can keep all, some, or none of the abilities that came with the creature you picked
- You can aim for a balanced combination, over-powered combos, or just for fun, everything's fine :)
- Some abilities are open to some modification, for example, you can have 24.032% magic resistance if you want, Tribal spirit with your own choice of bonus for each spirit levels, caster with your choice of spells, Random Caster: Chaos, etc.
- Stacking up abilities is also fine! How they stack might be unclear or doesn't make sense for some of them, if so, please do explain how you intend it to stack.

Here's the link to abilities page
For list of creatures, the top hunter page is one place to look

I'll start :)
Mistresses + Entangling roots
Meant to be extremely annoying to deal with when one shot can fix 4 of your stacks to the spot
ok i will take an incorporal Griff with raise dead spell
I always wanted to try gating with other factions
Shrew + Demonic
Guardian + Demonic
and the usual skel bow + phantom combo with Demonic on top
stun + blind + lethargizing malady + fear attack
enchanted gargs with nimbleness, fortification, rune of resurrection and tribal spirit to give it +1 min/max damage and +5 atk per level of spirit would make every mage's day :D
ladons with entangling roots
tribal goblins with Toss Goblin :P
Sorry if I am getting a little out of topic since this is for creatures with abilities, but my favourite would be Necromancer with last breath talent :D Raise and raise apparitions and the enemy in hunt would never break your wall :D
ladons with entangling roots and unlimited retal...
ladons with entangling roots and unlimited retal and onset :P
Now we just need it to reach enemy stack quickly
ladons with entangling roots and unlimited retal and onset and leap
We got to need the second row too...
ladons with entangling roots and unlimited retal and onset and leap and Dragon Breath
ladons with entangling roots and unlimited retal and onset and leap I will go for prismatic breath (Wonder how it does so with polycephaly) XD
This is turning into some op creature really quickly, can we beat this one using another creature with less abilities?

target (10 abilities):
--- Ladon ---
Large creature
No retal
Six-headed Attack

Entangling roots
Unlimited retal
Dragon Breath / Prismatic Breath / Polycephaly

challenger (7 abilities):
--- Shrew ---
No retal
Strike and return

Triple Strike
Infecting Strike
Blinding Brilliance
No the shrews should be with drain life ability instead of infecting strike :-D

Lifeguard membrane
Hexing attack
Magma shield
Unlimited retaliation
No Retaliation
Broad attack

Evil eye
Life drain
Strike and return
14# Ladon with Leap Lmao! Would be fun to see tbh.
+ precision (always get max dmg)
+ mobility (can move + shoot or shoot + move in 1 turn)
Barbarian hero with first blood

ogres with triple strike,bloodlust,no retaliation,unlimited retaliation,healer,fortification,flyer(lol),bravery,Dragon Breath / Prismatic Breath / Polycephaly and stun

not even empire would be able to defeat this xD
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