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182 ST CL 16

Author182 ST CL 16
1) Archliches (29), Berserkers (115), Lorekeepers (56), Senior genies (46) (Attack)
2) Searing horses (29) etc. (Revive)
3) Blazing hounds (245) etc. (Revive)
4) Rogues (153) etc. (Incendiaries 341 L)
5) Clerics (72), Minotaur gladiators (240), Cleric monster (4036), Minotaur gladiators (240) (Revive)
6) Recruits (2133), Hell reapers (49), Recruits (2133), Hell reaper monster (3166) (Arrow)
7) Patriarchs (120), Farmers (4372) et. al. (Speed)
8) Stonegnawers (201), Vampire counts (115), Tribal cyclops (16), Archliches (55) (Speed)
9) Leviathans (18) etc. (Mana)
10) Minotaur gladiators (279), Beholders (485) et. al. (Init)
11) Wardens (1213), Bandits (1726) et. al. (Revive)
12) Brilliant unicorns (88) etc. (HP)
13) Plains wolves (1421), Lava dragons (56) et. al. (Attack)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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