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Tamer DE insight tournament-level 13

AuthorTamer DE insight tournament-level 13
Translated from .ru. Please smooth this out.

1. 8-Rakshasa Raja all sides
2. 36 butchers - 133 Defender of the Faith - 16 sum. Witches - 74 combat neck
3. 7 thunders - 462 steppe goblin - 2 titanium - 388 Goblins
4. 425 gremlin - 15 depth. devils - 4 colossus - 197 devils
5. GBA 760 archers - 29 Thunder birds - 147 mag. Golem - Monster demoness
6. Monster impact on wolves - the monster-hit a wild boar - 15 Horned Reaper - 12 Dark Wyverns
7. 74 gin - 346 combat Kent - 74 gin - 346 combat Kent
8. 119 Minotaur anywhere
9. Thrower 430 - 261 combat Kent - 7 lead. leviofanov - 79 hitting a lizard
10. 1302 trapper - Skel 2072 - 1302 trapper - 2072 skeleton
Participants level: 13
Challenge type: Preset survival style combats with one faction
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Tamer dark elf] 197024
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

This one looks very tough
mine is 220k is there any chance of some prize ?
Participants level: 13
Challenge type: Preset survival style combats with one faction
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: [Tamer dark elf] 228373
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

~220k score is enough for 10% i guess. Thats where im stopping.
I messed up a lot
Participants level: 13
Challenge type: Preset survival style combats with one faction
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: Tamer dark elf 258134

~220k score is enough for 10% i guess. Thats where im stopping
I doubt so , looking at 300-350k score by many.. many russians.. I think it will be tough.

Probably i will be getting 10% only.
1) 8 sphynx warrior all
2) 36 warlord , 133 crusader , 16 witches , 74 frenzied
3) 7 invoker , 462 tribal gob 2 titan , 388 gob
4) 425 gremlins , 15 anglerfish , 4 giants , 197 spawns
5) 760 gob archer , 29 thunderbird , 147 lodestone golem , 1 mistress monster
6) wolfrider monster boarrider monster , 15 hell reaper , 12 ven. wyvern
7) 74 genies lr , 274 centaur ud
8) 119 mino all
9) 420 spear , 270 centaur , 7 leviathan , 80 liz
10) 1302 trapper lr , 2072 skell ud
11) 903 bowman lr , 13 behemoth u , monster d
12) 188 succubi , 128 lores, 115 genie 66 demilich
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