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Highest damage logically possible


AuthorHighest damage logically possible
I want to know what damage do you think is logically the highest possible?
Of course I am including completely setup combats.
I argue it can be over trillions of damage, in fact I think it could be over 10^20 damage if you really try, might even surpass that.

Sorry I know this is irrelevant but just curious :P
highest damage is about the total hp of the losing army plus damage taken
10^20 is way more than a trillion by the way
10^20 is way more than a trillion by the way
Yeah I know that lol, trillion is 10^12.

Let me rephrase my question more clearly, highest damage in ONE single hit.
I predict it could be up to 10^20 or 10^30 if you try hard.
how to try hard?press mouse button harder?
for Lady sofiouta:
No lol, by try hard I mean make better preparations. If you can manage to make a 3vs3 setup battle you can easily reach insane damages like 10^30.
With just a 1vs1 it will be much lower, still probably 10^10 without much problems in one hit.
I predict it could be up to 10^20 or 10^30 if you try hard.
how to try hard?press mouse button harder?

I think he means what is the Highest Possible Damage if you pick a Stack of GMBs (For example), and see how much he does with Luck, Favoured, In Range, +14 Chastise (From HK), +100% Bless, Archery Talent, and the Highest Amount of AP possible, including Unique Artifacts and Enchants.
are you on the right game forum?haha
PS: I dont think it will be more than half a Million Damage in my opinion Btw (<500.000).
+ I said "No more than 500.000" coz you are talking about a POSSIBLE situation, and there is a Limit to how much Units you can play.
(For instance: I think the Limit for Sharpshooters is around 250 at Lv 21).

Anyway, I think you need to rephrase the question to make it clear Tbh.
Lol you guys are forgetting the creature with the highest damage in this game.
Even 1 of that creature in min AP can deal 10^30 damage with proper preparation :P
Wild griffins owing to their Wild reflexes ability can cause 10^20 dmg.
1,82549004 * 10^21 is the highest damage recorded
552329175 is warid, but the Flash crashes when you try to watch it...
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
for Unbearable Guy:
Omg thanks xD That was epic lol, even though I got to watch it till "only" 16 million damage xD

I didn't think of last breath plus necro, my original thought was last breath necro with tons of mana and maybe even mana recovery xD I also thought it would be useful to have one or two expert wasp swarm casters, and one expert delay caster. I think with all that a maximum of 10^30 was not a bad estimate by me :)
I didn't think of last breath plus necro
I didn't think of last breath plus demon*
Highest damage amount limited by variable type (int, long, etc) admins use in game code.
I think this is the largest number possible in this game:

The main reason is that its binary is the largest possible number that doesn't exceed 32 digits(so 32-bit limit). Try putting a super large number as max bid in a market auction, or transfer something for rent for a super large number of battles by clicking on repairing allowed, it will always round down to this number.

Therefore I suppose even in battles it should apply, but who knows...
assuming the part of the game code we are talking about is written in php, the max integer is either set by the programmer or the php build,32bit or 64bit( 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 for 64bit).if a value is higher than that the interpreter automatically will change it to floating point which for a 64bit build the max is 1.8e308

That's pretty big. But i don't see whats the point of the question or this thread. Is the curiosity about max damage that can be shown or displayed in this game or max damage dealt? What i mean is.. even if the damage displayed were to be capped at x due to technical limitations, it doesn't change the fact that the possible damage could be stretched to what we call infinity (I think we can all agree that the wild griffins ability allows very drastic increase in output).

The damage shown might be limited to whatever X, but the actual effect of attack may or may not exceed that max possible value. Of course, there is no way to know this practically hence this argument is pointless.
it doesn't change the fact that the possible damage could be stretched to what we call infinity (I think we can all agree that the wild griffins ability allows very drastic increase in output).

I don't think it is possible for them to deal infinite damage. A battlefield has a limited number of enemies, even if they are gated, or have last breath talent, or even if they are raised again and again they will in fact exhaust.

You might say there can be a 6 player eofo with all necros and all of them with mana recovery, well then there are two problems, one is that the griffins must never get a turn, so a considerable amount of mana needs to be spent for delay and/or wasp, which even with mana recovery will soon exhaust, because even four enemies combined receive only 5 mana per turn, whereas you will probably need to spend at least 14 per turn(one raise and one wasp, not even counting delay). The second problem is that the griffins themselves will die in a finite amount of time even with raise, however that will take very long if the HK has a lot of mana for raise.

That's why considering all of this I predicted max damage to be around 10^30, not quite talking about the technical limit of the number but the max damage if we count the technical limits out.
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