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189 ST CL 14

Author189 ST CL 14
1) 83 Evil eyes -139 Tempered centaur -83 Evil eyes -147 Swordsmen (hp)
2) 327 ?? -1047 Sentries -209 Giant lizard -141 Hell hounds(mana)
3) 14 Sphynx warriors(res)
4) 441 hobgoblin-137 Brawlers -441-137(mana)
5) 144 Magi (health)
6) 240 efk (mana)
7) 49 Dark witches - Gremlin engineer-Monster- 374 Apparitions -196 Ogres(hp)
8) 483 Veterans - 81 Sky shamans - 483 - 81 (hp)
9) 58 Horned reapers - 1021 Veterans - 83 Ladons - 2136 Imps (arrow)
10)849 Mercenary archers (attack)
11)84 Warlords (speed)
12)82 Ironroot - 73 Sphynx guardians -82 -73(res)
13) 1324 Skeletons - 12 Ancient Behemoths - 1324 - 12 (speed)
14) 14 Ancient Behemoths - 76 ?? - 686 Gogs - 54 Horned reapers (arrow)
15) 469 Ghosts (hp)
16)94 Archlich all - right Monster 3219hp (speed)
17) 220 Vampire counts -287 Vampire - 220 - 287 (ini)
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