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Troll in Hunt Assist

AuthorTroll in Hunt Assist
Battle ID:

Target ID:

I tell her to put units in center so she buffs all archers (Mine and Hers), she refuses to.
She sees I try to move Skeles to her side to get the Buffs, blocks the way/doesnt move appart to have me move near.
She rather use 18 mana to Phantom 64 CRUSADERS, than Mass Rapid and Chastise me.
And doesnt communicate at all.

I went to help her, spent an hour trying to do so, but she did everything possible to lose.
We would have won by far if she listened...

At the end, you can see see attacks a stack of 8000 Recruits with the main Warden and with enemy Retal, instead of waiting a little to Retal.
Its literally a troll.
In the whole battle, she only throws at me 1 Chastise with 1 Cleric (Duration of 1 turn...).

Please ban/fine, I went in a good mood to help her in the hunt, and she trolls.
closed by Beliar (2017-11-12 11:23:14)
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