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Factions motto

AuthorFactions motto
I tried to find a similar topic but couldn't (strange, I know) so I thought why not start my own?

Disclaimer: this is all in the spirit of humor and fun, any equivalence with reality is pure coincide. Feel free to refute my mottos with your own!!

Classic Knight: ssshh!! Let's act like highest HP army with high DMG potential is OK and balanced.
Holy Knight: why would someone use us when you can have stacks of gazillion guardians that don't get useless by a tier 3 spell?
Classic Necromancer: thank god our fat stacks of skels can't be confused
Unholy Necro: YOLO (we are undead but you get the drill)
Classic Wizard: you know something ain't right when a WIZARD faction has to disregard magic and go might to be somewhat decent.
Battlewise Wizard: glasscannon for sale! Fireworks included!
Classic Elf: for statisticians and PhD nerds that like to gamble their wins on critical and luck RNG
Charmer Elf: kill or get killed in 2 turns
Classic Barbarian: does anybody remember when we were playable?
Fury Barbarian: shaming our classic brothers since 2014
Shadow Barbarian: did you like fat stack of guardians? you are going to love the ogre shamans!
Classic Demon: if u don't have high IQ don't even try playing us
Dark Demon: Temptresses are prolly the reason most players quit LWM if you think about it
Dwarf: perfect faction for relaxed play, don't need to think, just hit whatever and roll luck.
Tribal: at least we are not Classic Barbs.
Classic Dark Elf: people has been playing us wrong for half the server life.
Tamer Dark Elf: like Nature Elemental Builds, but actually usable
Classic Might Demon (with striving speed) : So elfs think they are fast , funny.
Hellsfire demon : every tried receiving 3 turns damage in 1 turn, wanna try??
Classic might red demon: I'm here to let others win.
Dwarf ( from my personal pvp exp ) : If opponent use me you suck, if you use me you suck still.
Hellsfire demon : every tried receiving 3 turns damage in 1 turn, wanna try??

huh? you sure about that?
Dark Demon: Temptresses are prolly the reason most players quit LWM if you think about it

My favorite
Classic Elf: for statisticians and PhD nerds that like to gamble their wins on critical and luck RNG

Or the gambling addicts :D
Both Necros:
"You feeble creatures of flesh... Your time is nigh!!!" :))
"You feeble creatures of flesh... Your time is nigh!!!" :))

suits most necro creatures except vampires and zombies. Liches too maybe but they might as well be made of bones and plastic xD
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