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New class: "infiltrator barbarian" :) (or another name)

AuthorNew class: "infiltrator barbarian" :) (or another name)
Next is tribal then vote who is the most op class >.<

-Infiltrator barbarian-

Special raical ability

Lords troops gain collect bonus defence by killing enemy army. If enemy has less than 30% your troops reach maximum bonus defence.
Max bonus def is +150% of the beggening one.

-special raical talent-

Lords army get bonus 20% attack from their defence.

- units -

-warrior goblin (rage)

-lion riders (large creature, ignore deffense 20%, double strike)

-orc tacticians (shooter, no melle penalty, rage, bloodlust, raizer strike)
(raizer strike- this unit has 20% chance to shred 3 defence from a target and make him take N*5 damage next turn)

-ogre infiltrator (knockback, rage, fullmetal)

-drontegs (large creature, flyer, infiltrate)
(infiltrate - this unit deals half the normal damage to an unit and brings it closer to itself by 2 titles. Doesn't work on large creatures)

-cyclop warlords (shooter, caster)
(spells: mass rapid (advanced holy magic))

-wild behemonths (large creature, ally toss, range penalty, ignore defence)
(ally toss- this unit can toss any non-large creature lords unit on to enemy stack and deal normal damage + hp/2 bonus damage) (hp- health points of a creature tossed)
Lords troops gain collect bonus defence by killing enemy army. If enemy has less than 30% your troops reach maximum bonus defence.

If your enemy has 30% army left, do you have the need for extra defense anymore?

Leaving this practical criticism aside, do you think extra defense makes sense conceptually for something called "infiltrator barbarian?" I am guessing you thought this racial will be useful for 2x2 or 3x3 where barbs could just charge the poor opponent whilst gaining invincibility to his partner simultaneously. Which means reckless charging is possible.

But think about how this racial will work in duels, STs, pve with the killing requirements. For instance, in mixed cg, gaining 150% defense against a lower level enemy is going to be very effortless.

Of course the 20% attack from defense means PvE can work with max defense build (once again contradicting "infiltrator barbarian" concept) but in conclusion the problem lies with the kill requirement against enemies in all scenarios be it pve and pvp.
Last sentence should be
*pve or pvp

Apologies for the reckless typing, but i was inspired you see ;)
Well this class hasn't been very well designed for ST and that sort of combat types but in pvp or pve its designed as a charmer elf. Go in and kill as many enemies fast so you can become invincible. Pure defense play would be also good for this class but unlike pure def tribal or necro it has low range and no magic potential. If played only dependetly on your teammates (waiting them to kill your enemy so you can get your armor bonus) would be a huge loss beacuse they cant do anything without you (thats why group battles are a team game...)

So the best thing would be to charge reckresly (infiltrate) like and elf and build up yourself so you can do even more later
charge reckresly (infiltrate)

What kind of speed were you thinking for these troops?
Well this class hasn't been very well designed for ST and that sort of combat types but in pvp or pve its designed as a charmer elf.

Personally i think that if you thought about pvp, your considerations must include duels and mixed level fights because thats how we roll ;) Respectively in both of these cases, i feel this racial is going to be on the two extremes of usefulness as i have clarified above.

Anyway as i said before in a previous thread, seeing some novel ideas here which i can appreciate ;) You seem to be creative with these ideas which is a very good talent to have if these were going to be stand alone factions that didn't interact with one another, but obviously since that is not the case, there is a need to get a broader perspective of things.
for Meshy:
High speed, medium attack, meduim hp and low def. Standard barb.
Lower count of units than FB but more than SB
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