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MG point tiers during event


AuthorMG point tiers during event
the first player in the event played over 2,200 mercenary battles and earned over 220 guild points for FREE.

there must be a serious limit and progress for the distribution of guild points.

first 50 gears - +0.50
50 - 100 gears - +0.30
100-200 gears - 0.20
200-500 gears - 0.10
500-1000 gears - 0.05
1000+ gears - 0.01

this is in order to prevent even more pumping of guilds with zero experience gained.

Also in this case, the player who made 2200 assists will not receive 220 points, but only 127 points.

the player is not to blame for the fact that he / she cannot play the game 24 hours a day and is forced to go to school / work. there is no point in punishing these players (who are in the majority) when we barely have time to complete an event. As for myself, I barely managed to finish the event and made only 115 passes. why should i be at a disadvantage with 200+ mercenary guild points? for the level of the faction there is a pumping of experience, for the level of the guild there is no.
Another broken aspect of the LeG event. Maybe don't give MG points at all? I mean the gold alone should be enough motivation right?
Or only have it give LeG points wich are far less valuable.
If player has the time and is willing to work to get an advantage over others, i dont see any reason to nullify it. If you dont have the time, thats just bad luck.
If player has the time and is willing to work to get an advantage over others, i dont see any reason to nullify it. If you dont have the time, thats just bad luck.

Coming from someone who did 1400 mercenary battles LOL. But I get it, if I didn't have a life (and tbh I play lords a lot, but only did 118 mercenary battles); it really gives me a picture of the kind of person who does 2k mercenary battles LOL. ew.

For your health sake, you should support this idea. On russian forums, there are already multiple posts and discussion going on regarding this.

Sure, like I said if players want to waste away their entire day on lords (other than sleeping), go ahead BUT if it affects PvP then no. It shouldn't be abused at all.
Give top mercenaries an achievement, more gold, or an item, who cares?
But not allow guild pumping without XP pump, unless of course there are stat caps in PvP.
For your health sake, you should support this idea.
That's just a silver tongued way of saying "I don't want to be disadvantaged, so don't play" lol

But I get the way these seemingly minor rewards would affect PvP in the long run. Hence why I suggest remove the reward altogether or have it give LeG points instead.

An imbalance (Favoring a minority yes, but imbalance nonetheless) which affects another part of the game (PvP) can and will be abused unless balanced.
You whine during donation times and you whine when you have an opportunity to pump your character without spending money. You should get yourself checked, my friend :)
for Mega Demon:
No you should get yourself checked after doing 1400 mercenary battles in a week lol.

It's an opportunity yes, but like I said, it favors players who sits in front of the computer the entire day, getting up only to sleep.

The +0.1 MG point bonus is nice indeed, but players abuse it to a ridiculous extent.
I can understand 500 battles ish, 1-2k+?

Ahh, I underestimate how many fat nerds sit in front of their computer all day
sure, whatever justifies your stupid lazy ass
yes i spent my entire week playing a computer game. i am a stupid lazy ass
You dont wanna do it, fine

Doesnt mean others have to follow your "ideals". Moreover this event comes 6 months once, and it maybe nerfed more next time.
My point is that this was an opportunity for non donors to get some pumping provided they put in the work, events like this ARE NEEDED
Just because you dont wanna/cant do it, doesnt mean you have to ruin it for others
How are donors getting free MG points?
Its free guild points with ZERO XP. Thats not fair at all.
The majority of players CANT do it.

It isn't ruined. You still get gold. The idea proposes setting a cap, sure u still get your FREE MG points. It's just not to an extent.

Either change MG points to extra LeG points as labangui suggested, or give extra incentive, but definitely not free guild points. THe only guild point which I think is acceptable is LG, since gaining LG points does not increase in difficulty.
this was an opportunity for non donors to get some pumping provided they put in the work
Now that you put it this way, it does make some sense. And it's not like the event is repeated every month or something. Besides they reduced the profit from 90% last time to 55% at most now. Meaning you'd need to do more battles to get just as high a profit.

As I'm not a PvP player, I don't really know how those 200ish MG points would affect the game for them. Just that if repeated consistently, then people will have an advantage.

But on the other hand, I really don't think the incredible PvP players would play these events to such an extent just for the slight edge. So maybe there is nothing broken to be fixed?
Besides they reduced the profit from 90% last time to 55% at most now.
Implying that the event is still being balanced by the admins, so just use this opportunity until it's fixed maybe.
Donors do spam on MG days and get extra 0.2 MG points for every battle

https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2813036 - This day I mean.
isnt that what this game is about? grinding to get advantages via guild bonuses? what exactly are you complaining about? 1 free primary stat point? if that is what causes you to lose in pvp then you need to hone your pvp skills.

i empathize with you since i cant ever do commanders guild with this character since everyone i face has fsl 10+ with 6-7 in every other faction compared to my 9 in main.
but those people worked for that advantage so they might as well benefit from it. if you dont like it just avoid pvp, plenty of other aspects of the game that are enjoyable
if you dont like it just avoid pvp, plenty of other aspects of the game that are enjoyable
He is doing exactly this. Complaining in forum seems like most enjoyable aspect for him :P

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