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334 ST lv 19

Author334 ST lv 19
All troop counts are for Tribal faction.


1. 633 Magogs / 204 Lizard Charger / 270 Shaman / 624 Golems - HP Up
2. 46 Dark Witches / 46 Dark Witches / 310 Wolf Raiders / 310 Wolf Raiders - Ini
3. 49 Cavalry / 41 Abyss Demons / 20 Lava Dragons / Harpies Monster (2135 hp) - Mana orb
4. 369 Dune Assassins all sides - Def up
5. 24 Leviathans / 24 Leviathans / 290 Cursed Witches / 290 Cursed Witches - Ini orb
6. 221 Rocs / 221 Rocs / 186 Hell Horses / 186 Hell Horses - Ini orb
if you are interested in doing ST for other factions i have the troop multipliers for each faction listed in my profile. would help a lot to know how much enemies you face before going in.
closed by Santremus (2022-04-06 12:01:38)
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